Below you will be able to find the General Assemblies list for VAMUN XLIV.

All General Assemblies are Double Delegate committees.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

World Health Organization (WHO)

United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) - Advanced GA

Below you will be able to find the Specialized Agencies list for VAMUN XLIV

In Waffle House We Trust: Bush Administration, 2005

UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Give Them Hell: The Hellenic League during the Persian Wars

Hollywood’s Bleeding: Screen Actors Guild on Strike!

Nothing but Net: NBA Global Expansion and Management Committee

Below you will be able to find the Crisis Committee list for VAMUN XLIV

Rise of the Boo!-urgeoisie: Monsters Inc. Horde of Directors

Frame and Fortune: Tackling the Gardner Art Heist

The 2060 Green Clean Team: Busting Greenwashing and Tech Turmoil

Storms of Change in the Windy City: the 1968 Democratic National Convention (Novice)

JCC: TikTok’s on the Clock - TikTok

JCC: TikTok’s on the Clock - US Government

Below you will be able to find the WGSS list for VAMUN XLIV

The Death of Stalin: The Ministry of State Security (MGB)

The Death of Stalin: The Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

The Death of Stalin: The Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army

The Death of Stalin: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Below you will be able to find the JCD list for VAMUN XLIV

Jefferson Committee on Diplomacy: Specialized Agency

Jefferson Committee on Diplomacy: Crisis Simulation