Rise of the Boo!-urgeoisie: Monsters Inc. Horde of Directors

Topic 1: Business Model and Competition

Topic 2: Employees and Ethics

As executives of Monster Inc., you are tasked with handling the growing demand for energy in Monstropolis. Since the inception of your company, you’ve been converting children’s screams into energy by sending Scarers into the human world, but long since buried research showed that children's laughs provide ten times more energy than their screams. The growing energy demand will force you to either overturn the cultural status quo in Monstropolis or expand your scream production infrastructure. Either way, you’ll have to deal with potentially upset employees, competitor energy companies, and relations with Monstropolis’s Mayor as you expand your power production and distribution facilities. You may all be dignified monsters with MBAs, but when it comes to the cold hard cash, your corporate dreams may become your worst nightmares.


Joey Giordano and ashton Khamphavong

Joey Giordano is a third year at UVA, majoring in Materials Engineering with a minor in Politics. Even though he is majoring in engineering, he has always been interested in politics and economics. Aside from academics, Joey enjoys playing tennis and pickleball (really any racket sport) and has recently been getting into climbing. He also loves cooking and has been dabbling in game design for the past couple of years. VAMUN XLIV will be Joey’s third VAMUN and he is so excited to be your CD for Rise of the Boo!-urgeoisie: Monsters Inc. Horde of Directors. He can't wait to see the creative negotiations and devious plots you come up with as you lead Monsters Inc. to glory (or chaos)!

Ashton Khamphavong is a second year from Boylston, Massachusetts (the prison next to his house has a larger population than the entire town), and plans to major in Human Biology. He has participated in MUN since his sophomore year of high school, and is deathly afraid of GA committees. Outside of all things MUN-related, Ashton can be found missing wide-open layups in his IM basketball games, yelling at his TV as Mac Jones throws another interception (Go Pats!), and messing up staining cells in his lab. He is very excited to be your chair for Rise of the Boo!-urgeoisie: Monsters Inc. Horde of Directors. He’s afraid chaos may ensue, so make sure to keep your screams silent and your diplomatic voices loud!