The Death of Stalin: The Soviet Army

Topic 1: Protecting the Soviet State and Stopping Rebellion

Topic 2: Preserving the Soviet Sphere, at Home and Abroad

Note: At the beginning of Session I, each committee will receive around a 1 page background guide unique to their settlement/committee with additional information that will influence the flow of committee. 

It is March 5th, 1953, and the brutal Russian winter is in full force. Joseph Stalin, the beating heart at the center of the Soviet world, is dead. The Soviet public is currently blissfully unaware of this fact. But those in power know, and have been planning for this moment for decades: the vultures are already circling.The official role of the Soviet Army has long been to protect the stability and continuity of the Soviet state amidst moments of crisis. But this official mission has often been disregarded, as differing army units have often pledged their loyalty to one faction or another--and in this ultimate storm of storms, loyalty is not a cheap thing. Try your best to protect the hammer and sickle flag that your comrades died to raise above Berlin just a decade ago. Or throw your weight behind a contender for the throne, or perhaps yourself? Or perhaps to a military generation that has only seen suffering, the USSR's existence is something they no longer wish to support...

co chairs

zilan saadi and chantal siolarz

Zilan Saadi is a second year from Gainesville, Virginia, majoring in Foreign Affairs and Public Policy. She's been involved in Model UN for 3 years and cannot wait to finally serve as a chair for a committee! Outside of MUN, Zilan interns at the International Rescue Committee and UVA's Women's Center. She loves all forms of art: books, movies, and music. Her favorite artist is Lana Del Rey! She cannot wait to be a part of and welcome everyone to WGSS!

Chantal Siodlarz is a second year at UVA from Falls Church, Virginia, majoring in Pre-Comm and minoring in foreign affairs. After junior staffing for VAMUN XLII, Chantal is excited to be a Crisis Director of the Wilson Global Crisis Simulation! Outside of MUN, Chantal is Director of Finance for Quantitative Traders at Virginia and a player on the Quidditch team club at UVA — if you’re looking for a fun sport to play join!!