The Death of Stalin: The Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Note: At the beginning of Session I, each committee will receive around a 1 page background guide unique to their settlement/committee with additional information that will influence the flow of committee. 

It is March 5th, 1953, and the brutal Russian winter is in full force. Joseph Stalin, the beating heart at the center of the Soviet world, is dead. The Soviet public is currently blissfully unaware of this fact. But those in power know, and have been planning for this moment for decades: the vultures are already circling. A succession crisis is starting that could have cataclysmic consequences for the USSR, and the world. The Politburo, also known as the Presidium, is the Union's highest political body and its de facto executive branch. Normally a rubber-stamping body for Stalin's policies, his death has thrown the body into a chaotic power vacuum, with many potential claimants to the Kremlin all jockeying for influence. Use political intrigue, or other means, to maneuver your way to the throne. Or perhaps, as politicians always do, you have other goals you want to advance at this moment, at the USSR's expense...


Asheli Cleaves and Vaidehi Bhardwaj

Ashlei Cleaves is a second year from Loudoun County Virginia. She loves thrifting, foreign language films and photography. She advocates for her community members through her local city council and hopes to be an attorney some day. She is also the president of a wellness club at UVA. She is incredibly honored to be chairing WGSS this year! She is looking forward to seeing all delegates thrive and hopes that they enjoy their experience at VAMUN.

Vaidehi Bhardwaj is a second year at UVA from Orange County, California, double majoring in psychology and philosophy with a minor in leadership & public policy. She’s excited to be Crisis Director for the Politburo in the Wilson Global Crisis Simulation this year! Outside of MUN, Vaidehi writes for the Virginia Journal of International Affairs and {in}Visible Magazine, and serves on the Third Year Council. In her free time, find her reading, playing viola, or listening to post-punk.